U.S. Navy Armed Guard & Merchant Marines National Headquarters Museum
Have you visited yet? If not, please check in with this very special establishment, one of only a few in the country. It’s a great...

TBT: Law Enforcement Academy 50th Anniversary
I’ve served Indian River County Sheriff's Office for over 20 years so sharing in the 50th anniversary of their Law Enforcement Academy...

POW/MIA Recognition Ceremony
Last month we honored our POW/MIA Veterans at Veterans Memorial Island on September 21st. This Recognition Day Ceremony shows our support...

National Coffee with a Cop 2018
This year’s National Coffee with a Cop was a nice way to see old friends and meet a few new ones. Thanks Chief Keith Touchberry and Marsh...

Grateful to live where people want to vacation or retire. Have a blessed weekend. #Home #Hometown #VeroBeach #DowntownVeroBeach...

God bless America! 📷: Charles Howse, Photographer #USA #FlagDay #TreasureCoastBagpiper #MichaelHydeBagpiper #BagpiperForAllOccasions...

Weekend Well Wishes
Have a blessed Friday and a weekend to remember with those you love and care for. #CountYourBlessings #TGIF #IndianRiverCounty...

Land of the free, because of the brave
Today we honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice on all of our behalf. God Bless America. Photo Credit: Google Images...

Throwback - Veterans Day
A sincere thank you to all who came out on Veterans Day. Very good attendance, what with the sketchy weather. Vero's service Veterans...

God Bless America
A beautiful sight every time. Image Via Photo Credit: Google Images #IndianRiverCounty #ThankAVet #VeteransDay2017 #MemorialIsland...